Sunday, October 24, 2010

Honey do list and Family

 I feel rather accomplished today as I got some of the things around the house done. Seems like only a little work but  the kicthcen sink need a new facet and  a few things done around the house.
 it's a lot when considering that I am putting in 54 hour weeks and i work third shift.
The wives are getting along fine today, some rough spots that had to help iron out. The show sister wives make polygamy look so interesting and easy,..
 Our family differs from the Browns in that we are a younger family and our childern are smaller. We have four still in diapers.
 Ann and I have been together over three years and legally married for 2 years of that time. B-Leigh follows at being around for 2 years. Seems like so long ago. B-Leigh and j-Ann never had the ceremony of a wedding to join us. we just committed ourselves to each other for time and eternity and started living as man and wives. Hopefully soon I will be able to give them a reception , though long in waiting< to announce to the world that they are my wives.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Reflections on polygamy Blessings

 When our house gets out of "Harmony", chaos become center stage. But when it runs   in "Harmony" it is the most wonderful feeling and blessing that there is.
 When the house is quiet and the kids are all playing without screaming it's great. My two youngest sons William and Thomas are both crawling now. It's great to watch.
  We added a new life form to our family group. A death dog name Zoe. She is a mix (mutt).
 Today was my first Saturday that  I have had off since starting third shift. When my coworker put in his two week notice the wives were hoping that I would be moved to a different shift but instead they hired another worker for that shift.
 Some things that we are striving to  continue Harmony and stabilize finances. With the Great recession going on we  are living as simple as we can and saving toward our future and hoping that we don't have an unforeseen emergency that will place a demand on our savings. We are also exploring  ways to increase our ability to be self sufficient.

Continuation of life

 Sorry with third shift, Threes wives, and five childern,.. It's been hectic around here. Haven't  blogged in a while. Lots been happening though.
 Lets just start on ethics.  a few weeks back was contacted by a person of Face book that asked if I knew a certain woman. When I told her I had, she proceeded to say that I was being lied to and that it was an underage girl, the FBI was involved and that she was in the UK looking to runaway. When I asked for verification about the FBI the person was very vague and sounded  like she was trying to skirt that and other inquiry that i was asking her.
 Why i mention that? After investigating I found that the person was attempting to get me from talking to the other woman. This is the second time that I have had another couple try to influence our family talking to other woman.
 I have to wonder what goes though their heads when they do this. First and foremost the last time I looked talking to a single woman, they are a person not a fight over. yes  I must admit sometime I am persistent, but in my defense there are woman that I talked to  for a romantic interest and we only became friends,... We Stayed in contact and  I have to admit where they wound up it  was where they need to have gone anyway. I am content with that. and glad that i behaved as a gentleman and found good friendships.
 I follow more of a "God's will" on my relationship search, I feel more spiritual in the building  the family basses. it works better then  just wanting to fall for who I would consider a perfect mate .There are a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration , mainly how a potential wife would fit into  the family.and do we have room?
 Lot of questions and need to seek answers on  courting. Seeking the advise and counseling of God is always the best. he is the ultimate therapist when it come to that and many paths in life that we need to trod.
 God wants us to be happy and to be successful, which also come to my other topic, Family finances. As the family get bigger that is always a trying point no matter what the family size. in the Great Recession trying to make ends meet and to prepare for the future a major challenge. Bills have to be paid and  with the added members of a family the cost of utilities go up.
 You would think that with everyone working the income would be up there and in fact it's getting up there. With nine souls that live in the house not including one cat, one dog, two turtles and three rats. The Food bill has gotten up there and I never thought I would see so much spent on food. J-Ann and B-Leigh  both have jobs now. B-Leigh works two part time jobs to make it. I am very proud of her. Ann is the career house wife.
 My job has been doing good  with  overtime to work to help make ends meet. We have adopted a goal of streamlining our lives so that  we don't live paycheck to paycheck. That is almost a death sentence waiting to happen for a family as large as ours.
 Finances are interesting. In the show "Big Love" they just throw everything into a communal pot. this doesn't sound to good to me as that mean that we surrender our independence too much. So what we do is have a house account. We as a family add to the house account to pay the  family bills. we also save money in the house account as well. In addition  we all have our personal accounts. My money that I earn at work goes directly into the house account while my VA pension goes into my personal account.I am a firm believe as joint finances and individual financial freedom.I will post more often.