It's been real busy around here. kinda Chaos. yesterday we went to Ange's Family reunions out at Fireman's park in Columbus WI. it was rather interesting cause Ange introduced Julie and Brandy as sisters. Ange's Father and Stepmother know what kind of family we are and was surprised that things went well without incident. Ange's step mother even talked to us and kissed the kids goodby when we left.
I had last been to Columbus's Fireman's park in 1994 when they held their Columbus days. interesting to reflect back to that time and the fact that made me feel old lol.
We also went to Aztalan state park. The site of a Mississippian mound building culture. Interesting through when you look at it and realize that Life in America was very organized and complex. they find that the Mississippian mound culture just vanished around 1200AD for an unknown reason. While in school they teach that the American Indian was a primitive people that migrated from Asia. The archeological evidence supports something entirely different. there was a copper age in America. We know this because copper tools and weapons have been found and the mounds extending through out the eastern United states holds to this as well. As whit man pushed west Thousands of important archeological sites were destroyed by progress of whit settlers. While the Government in the 1800's and early 1900's had a policy to destroy what evidence that the Indians were anything other then ignorant savages that were were bring culture to while we stole their lands and destroyed their heritage. One only has to ask anyone involved with native American groups to verifies this.
So what does that really mean? Well it means while the opponents of the book of Mormon continue to take shots at it, American archeology it supporting many of the facts of the book of Mormon.
While I use Mormon to describe my faith we have been getting more into the scripture. It's interesting that I find more Men using the Torah to show that polygamy is not a sin but they don't read about the other laws of the Torah or pay attention on the regulations that the bible placed on it. I think that those laws are extremely important.
9/11 we spent lots of time watching videos about 9/11 and how the Government mislead and continues to misleads us, no big surprise there. While I have a hard time believing that the Government staged 9/11 but the evidence is convincingly clear that they had an knowledge of what was about to happen and contributed to the events. I find it pretty fascinating and we most likely never know the whole truth.
I know this is a lot of Randomness and hope that I haven't confused anyone. I guess I have lots of random thoughts today. The main thing that we are being more Torah observing Mormons and that While I am Mormon by Faith the Torah and Christ is my identity. I don't have to prove the book of Mormon right, but we do need to resurrect the Torah and see how the laws are prevalent today as they were over 2000 years ago. After all Christ came to earth, The son of God, to fulfill the law not replace it.
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