Thursday, November 3, 2011

Julie's Calling

 Well we are going into November.  some friends of ours  has gotten into a pickle. The husband was involved in a car wreck  He is alive but with some broken bones and out one work van and some tools.  Since he is the worker in the family that leaves a family really hard up just when they had a newborn get out of NICU.
 Julie my third wife has spear headed working on getting a fund to help her and others that we encounter. Tough times leave some in dire circumstances. We are looking into setting up  an organization for those kind of people. Julie is toying around with the idea of a non-profit organization that could be set up. I like her idea of setting up something like this and helping people. She would really be good at it. She already set up a page on Facebook called Healing Hands and is currently working on the Paypal  account so donations.
 She needs a project to work on the kids are driving her crazy.  She is a great  for the stay at home mom and run the house.That and home school is frustrating for here at times. we all chip in and do our share.  I run the laundry. I don't fold the clothes though Angela and Julie  are good at that.
 Ange has started working  two jobs. a couple of days  we don't see her  because she has both jobs back to back. She sleeps as much as she can.  when she can. I am very proud of her.
 Right now I am again on the unemployed list. Not happy  because the worst thing in the world I hate is looking for a Job. I love it when they look for me  but this economy that isn't happening. seems like the good days when people wanted you to come work for them are over.
 It looks like some thing might get worse before they get better.  Why we are  looking at our long range family strategy. Our goal is to not only help ourselves but to help others as well. .

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Updates For October

Well here is the updates for this month. I have been working a lot.  Trying to get the bill caught up nothing new there I think most of America is doing the same thing. Ange has started her second job.  she like staying busy. Julie been adapting to being the stay at home mom. I am very proud of Ange and Brandy in the hard work they do... I am also very proud of  Julie for handling all the childern.  We are starting to get costumes together for Halloween. Halloween and Christmas is always a big adventure around here.
 if my readers have any questions feel free to ask away

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another new post

It's been  real busy around here. kinda Chaos. yesterday we went to Ange's Family reunions out at Fireman's park in Columbus WI. it was rather interesting cause Ange introduced Julie and Brandy as sisters. Ange's Father and Stepmother know what kind of family we are and was surprised that things went well without incident. Ange's step mother even talked to us and kissed the kids goodby when we left.
 I had last been to Columbus's Fireman's park in 1994 when they held their Columbus days. interesting to reflect back to that time and the fact that made me feel old lol.
We also went to Aztalan state park. The site of a Mississippian mound building  culture. Interesting through when you look at it and realize that Life in America  was very organized and complex. they find that the Mississippian mound culture  just vanished around 1200AD for an unknown reason. While in school they teach that the American Indian was a primitive people that migrated from Asia. The archeological evidence supports something entirely different. there was a copper age in America. We know this because copper tools and weapons have been found and the mounds extending through out the eastern United states holds to this as well. As whit man pushed west  Thousands of important archeological sites were destroyed by progress of  whit settlers.  While  the Government in the 1800's and early 1900's had a policy to destroy what evidence that the Indians were anything other then ignorant savages that were were bring culture to while we stole their lands and destroyed their heritage. One only has to ask anyone involved with native American groups to verifies this.
 So what does that really mean? Well it means while the opponents of the book of Mormon continue to take shots at it, American archeology it supporting many of the facts of the book of Mormon. 
 While  I  use Mormon to describe my faith  we have been getting  more into the scripture. It's interesting that  I find more Men using the Torah to show that polygamy is not a sin but they  don't read about the other laws of the Torah or pay attention on the regulations that the bible placed on it. I think that  those  laws are extremely important.
 9/11 we spent  lots of time watching videos about 9/11 and how the Government mislead and continues to misleads us, no big surprise there. While I have a hard time believing that the Government  staged 9/11 but the evidence is convincingly clear that they had an knowledge of what was about to happen and contributed to the events. I find it pretty fascinating and we most likely never know the whole truth.
 I know   this is a lot of Randomness and hope that I haven't confused anyone.  I guess I have lots of random thoughts  today. The main thing that we are being more  Torah observing Mormons and that  While I am Mormon by Faith the Torah and Christ is my identity. I don't have to prove the book of Mormon  right, but we do need to resurrect the Torah and see how the laws are prevalent today as they were over 2000 years ago. After all Christ came to earth, The son of God, to fulfill the law not replace it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some thoughts

 Well things are going tough here, But you know what they say when the going gets tough the tough the tough get going. I am into the second week of my new job. Keeping  pretty busy.  my son William is sick with an ear infection.  We have been talking about expanding our family  but  a guy on Facebook is accusing me of Harem building lol. he said some pretty nasty things to Julie in a message and she was pretty upset. I took her to lake Michigan so we could look out into the water and calm ourselves. watched a sailboat  hat was maneuvering to close to the shoreline hit  the rock twice.they stayed afloat but it make a big bang. Kinda like our family  we get run up on the rocks but with the grace of God we stay afloat.
 That was how we feel. But Heavenly father is our protector.
 The other thing been thinking about believes. While it would be easier to abandon the Mormon Doctrine but I choose to remain a Mormon because it defines my believes even though we are  not part of a church. I am a Christian. I believe in Christ  and that he is the son of God. I also believe the book of Mormon to be true. The BOM does not trump the bible. We  use the bible as our Number one source of gods law and commandments. I  personally feel that there is a difference between how I view my believes and thos of  other groups like the LDS or the major fundamental groups.
 While dealing with People on the internet I find that when I say Mormon it brings up association that people think that Mormon's are all the same. What funny is that christens online who are either wanting to be polygamous, some have this view on Mormons. One who calls  themselves a Christian there are many different types with their views on doctrine.
 The same People who have views like this on Mormonism, cry foul when they are groups with  the people that give polygamy a bad name like Warren Jeffs. They get frustrated when all polygamist or those that are interested are stereotype  but yet will stereotype Mormons.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ethics of the Polygny Man

 Today I learned something very important and scary,

 Over the years I have learned a code of ethics if you will. This defines me as a man and to me with a fundamental rule .It focuses  on courting.  In the years that I have been a polygamous married man I have learned to respect others in there own searches. I have three very wonderful wives wouldn't trad them for the world.
 I have over the years basically through the school of hard knocks  the in and out of dating on the internet in the polygamy cyber world. One of my hard fast rules is that if a woman is talking to a man or families then she is until the a time she is no longer courting a family or man. To me if as if she is courting then she is as married and off limits.
 I am not standing on a soap box preaching because in a world of sin I am not  sinless. These are rules that I have learned during my journey. Also if a woman is talking to another family/Man then she is most likely not that serious in you to begin with. Not saying that a woman can't talk to anyone else and most  women just like about all men flirt whether intentional or not. I guess it's how the human mind is wired.
 This rule seems not only to work real well for me but has also been a useful guideline as the modern American woman seems to thinks that if she stops talking to you it means she is no longer interested. But also gives me guild lines with respecting other families out there  searching as well. Respecting their potentials to me is as important to respecting them as a person. I have met several wonderful people this way and enjoy  being friend with them for fellowship sake. Always nice to meet families to share idea's with. Even those that have idea that I don't always agree with I have learned from.
 While I live by these hard fast rules there are other that don't. Today I ran across one who not only doesn't respect this rule but also went the extra length to  harass the woman I was courting. his goal was two fold.if he could not driver her to him, then he would make sure he drover her away from me.
 This had been brewing a bit and no fault of hers as the man was the predator of, this gentle and sweet woman, whose only issue is that at time she is to trusting. My pat in all this was when I checked my email after working a night shift and he had sent a message to me  starting with  that he believes as a Mormon that I by courting was unevenly yoking her and that I am a none-believer.  That not only doing a disservice to her but  also to the women that I am currently married to.
He also stated that the idea that I was courting her, he used the word supposedly even though it was in black and white on her page" in a relationship with." meant nothing to him ans that a woman was available until she was married.  He also wrote a bunch of stuff i guess trying to make him look like a great man and all but he ended the message that he was bowing out with the understanding that both of us will not be courting her.        I was very angry. First he was never courting her to begin with and the whole if I can't have her then you cant mentality.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Backyard Contruction

 Well I have been getting the back yard fencing put up.  the main Gate and the back is almost closed. What remains is the little section that have to get creative around a tree that divides the yards from the neighbors. Julie weeded the Garden today. it's looking great and the peas are really growing. we should have some good on that and lots of tomatoes as well as potatoes. I have two 55 gallon drums that trying a backyard experiment with them. according to what I read on growing potatoes in a drum is that suppose to yield like around 200lbs. so we will find out how correct that claim is.
 My idea is to start getting the family working on the Garden so that when we do get a house and land we can be more self reliable   I  believe that is important as we learn to build our family that we learn to reduce the financial overhead of supporting this kind of family.
 While we still live in the city, It's good to at least try to  work on this together as a family. Sometimes that is easier said then done.We have been married Ange:  going on five years, Brandy three years, and Julie one year. At time with three women it can be challenging as they each have their own personality. I think individuality is important. not sure how other families do it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorail Day 2011

 After being off for a bit tomorrow I will be headed back to work. I am pretty excited. The wives hate it when i get this way cause I turn into a bundle of energy. They get upset. They wanted to go swimming and I was like it's a nice day lets hang out in the back yard... I had two reasons one  the family needs to get outside and the other is that I needed to mow the grass and get yard work down. ice day to relax in the backyard and get stuff down after it's been rainy. Our Garden is starting to come in and so  not only is that wonderful its time to start weeding.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Vans.

The Venture is getting a new engine. Stage one take the  parts off the engine.

I will post more pictures as the work progresses. Last December I blew the engine. Instead of parking it I drove on an overheated Engine. Should have parked it and called for my mechanic to come get it but we live and learn and this is a costly lesson.
 But it did lead to a silver lining.  I bought the Ford Aero star thinking that it was  on it's last leg and just need a temporarily Van to haul the family. When my mechanic heard that I intended to junk it he looked at it and deduced that the problems were a relatively simple as it needed a tuneup bad. I call my Buddie the Car whisper. The white Ford Aero Star has almost no rust and the body is in good shape not to mention it's all wheel drive makes it ver desirable in the Wisconsin Winters. Above it the Areo Star  as it was being tuned up. it has a 4.0 and is AC so to do the tuneup we have to remove a lot of parts just to get to the components. It was misfiring on two cylinders and totally  missing on another one. The dealer sold my it for $700 just to get rid of it. They thought it was junk.
We call the Aero Star  our family A.P.C. Armored Personal Carrier. Haven't figered out a nickname for the Venture yet.The Aero Star is a tank. Drives nice now but before it drove like one and it's become our family work horse. I even used it to push a neighborer car uphill.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


 Well again on unemployment,.... Lots of guys think that a polygamist man with three wives  would spend the whole time in bed..... So not the case. Eventually the newlywed stage wears off and then you realize that you have a Marriage times the amount of wive you have. In my case everything is three times more then most conventional marriages. When I am home the wives pull out the Honey do list..
 The biggest author of the list is Julie. For her I  am getting the Garden ready to plant. She has some great idea's on Gardening and saving the family  money on the food bill. Not to mention it's healthier. Well our plot is rather small so  did the soil turning by hand. this time of year and due to the fact that most of the Garden last year was  our compost pile. What we planted the rabbits helped themselves. I  got one pumpkin and one raspberry.  last year we moved in Jun 1st. By the time we got to the Garden the growing season was almost done. This Year going to  make my own Topsy Turvy tomato plants. Going to be interesting.
 Well cleaning the back yard  was ans is also on my list. I have to build a fence and the wives want the turtle in the back yard in his own encloser.
 Thats just to start on the list.... I have been doing home repairs and so one as well.
 now the dryer isn't working properly so have to fix that. Also have to fix he toilet. it works at least but  it's works  it just leaking a bit.. The list goes on and on,...  But then again I don't know of a married man that doesn't have an unending honey do list.

Monday, April 25, 2011


 Well spring is finally here. we have been doing Spring cleaning. I think the garbage man hates us this time of year as we find a lot of stuff we don't need and can get ride of. We also repainted the kitchen. Julie picked out a Carmel  Sunday for paint and it looks wonderful.
 I am working full time so money is again coming into the house. the show that we filmed for is still being in the editing stage,.  how the world will see our life is at the mercy of the production editor. It will be called "I am getting married and Polygamist. Brandy and Julie and I have our weeding on it.... Can't tell you more have to watch. I will post Air time when it is scheduled but it will be on lifetime so you can check on it for yourselves. I know those of you read my blog but  there is some surprises that you can only see on the show,...
 It's my intention to start Blogging more.  Those of you who have joined my site are here cause you like what I write and like to read on the progress of my family. So I owe you all the commitment to write.
 On other notes,.... I still miss Wendie. From time to time I dream about her. maybe she is watching me. I keep in contact with some of her family and try to keep up on what they are doing. In case those of you that are just starting to read Wendie was our potential wife that passed away in a car accident. you can  read up on it in the blog " Wife in passing"
 We did Pass over this year as well as the traditional Ham for the holiday. I will blog about it and post pictures.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Horizons

 As the weather changes toward spring so is our family changing.We are looking toward the celebration of our Lord and Savior's conquest over death.
 We have struggled through a lot as a family  barely hanging in there, Our faith in our family tested. We Weathered it well. The Tax returns were a much needed financial recovery tool for our family. We paid off Bills that were being skipped and bought much need supplies. I even had enough to splurge a bit. Our savings is boosted up as well.Nice to have money in the bank for a buffer.
 The other new thing on our agenda is that I am now gainfully employed doing maintenance again. Work starts this will be some adjustment for our family but we see ourselves getting closer to our goals. Brandy now works full time so  the bills are getting paid and the money is just poring in.
 Money isn't the important focuses. Money is nothing but a tool required at this point of our life to sustain our family and support our love for each other. I bought quicken so that we can track our spending and build our budget stronger.
 The Blue Chevy van is finally getting a new engine that it needs to get back on the road. I could have just  junked it and used the whit Ford van but the Chevy get better gas mileage and more comfortable. We haven't decided on the fate of the Ford yet.
 Getting back to work is going to be a great experience and can't wait. I don't want to use the reserve that we have manage to build up in the bank and personally I would rather work.
 Also I think that no one really realize the cost of these kind of families. all the bills go up.If the wives work that great but when their are children in the house one or two wives are required to stay home with the children. mini vans take more gas then other conventional compact cars. Finding room for all these people is on the interesting side we live in a five bedroom house and still short on space. We could  have differn't places but I believe that polygamy is best lived under the same roof with the family dealing with each other on a daily bases.Seems like a family when we are all together.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Updates in February...

  Well Tax time and finally get to fix my Chevy van that I blew the engine in December. Also gave us a boost in our savings and a chance to get caught up on things.... it's really nice to have extra money again.
 We pulled Victoria out of public school cause she wasn't ;earning anything there and started Homeschooling her. She is responding to the change well.
 We have Completed the filming  and I will post when it will air as soon as I know. Things are a bit stressful because of all of us being trapped inside due to the weather.  it keeps snowing here and frankly getting tired of it.We are ready for spring. next week I plane on pulling the engine and hopefully the weather will be nice in order to do that.
 Other projects is that I updated my computer,.. I got a GTX 460 Geforce card for a steal at a store closing and after changing  the power supply to a higher wattage can run it in my dell computer. I love it. That was my Tax return splurge on myself. The van is a family thing.
 Cameron is in Early childhood. because of his being a preemie he is delayed. so he now qualifies to go to school.He is three.
 We got a two year membership at the museum. Mainly for Victoria's school but the rest of the family will enjoy it. I enjoy talking to her about creation -vs- evolution.We went  today,.. a Saturday. They have a live butterfly room and Willow freaked out about the live insects flying around her. It was cute.
 Brandy is getting more hours at her job. Thomas is getting big and all over the place. William is quite the little monkey. we got new baby gates to keep him out of the kitchen when the wives are cooking and the little bugger tried to climb it.
 Ange is dealing with some issues of her past thats been hard for her but her love for the family is always first and foremost. Ange is losing weight and getting into shape... I love her new look.
 Interesting how this kind of family can change your perspective on family. I love all my children but also it's nice to have others there to help. Victoria adores Julie who is the  home teacher in the family. Also her and Willow are inseparable. Ange take more of a nurturer role with the  boys. Brandy is still young and still getting use to mother hood but she is always getting better at helping around the house and helping withe the children. Thomas is the best thing that happened to her. We are the second best thing.
 We have been dealing with some issues of  extended family separation in that parents and other family , most don't agree with our life choices. It's hard to say who has it the worse. But I can say I have it the easiest as I severed ties with my birth  Mother and my step father. That was in 1999 and over the murder of a 14 year old girl that was my half-brother's sister in-law. Long story short I didn't like the position that my family took over the incident.
 Perhaps, because my family was never close, I seek this kind of life because I have the closeness and love that I never had growing up as a child. The relationship that a husband develops  with each wife as an individual is important. just like any marriage when a person loses their identity or grows away from their spouse then the relationship sails through rough waters. As husbands is is our job to  support and encourage the wife(s) to continue to grow both physically and spiritually.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


 When you put God first and pray often, the family goes together well. I look at other families that are struggling and realize how blessed I am as I have three wonderful wives.
Ange the first I met on Myspace, Brandy I met on IMVU chat and before me never thought about polygamy. Julie I found on Biblical families in an email. She had just joined the group and i was some of the first that answered her post.
So it is a matter of timing and prayer. It isn't easy to find women that get along well together and here are days that they have their moments. All marriages have their ups and downs but it how the family gets through them that is important.
The point is that finding families is limited only by your effort. Personally I have never really had any luck in Chats and groups. I think that is because many look for something that is unrealistic or just love the attention that being a single woman in a group of families competing will give them.
I personally think competition is not a good thing as it takes away the normal process of getting to know someone. Love shouldn't be a competition and Woman that are looking for "the Best deal" in a family I don't think have what it takes and might bail when the rose colored glasses come off. Marriages and Families take work as well as love. The way my family and I do have a 100% success rate at weeding out and finding the right ones for our families.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Childern and Such

 Is it Normal for a house with five childern four under the age of five to be constantly noisey? Our house always is.
 Some of the things that we are struggeling with is getting Victoria's Home school set up and getting the family back into a routine.
 Ange is Struggleing with some issues of her past and I am trying to move forward with  planes for the future and deal with our buget.
 There is so much to do it isn't funny anymore. But when my sons are fighting over me for attension,  my three year old walking around saying "Daddy is so weird", when I tease her, it makes it worth it. As I watch my 10 year old daughter get her homschooling on track I feel proud of this whole family.
 The People that make up this family came to us with the Lord's blessing and as the family works I see how much forsight the Lord has in building a loving family. It's nice to know we got the right wives the first time around.
 Febuary 1st is promising to be a great month. I feel stronger as I realize the Heavenly Father countinues to bless me and watch over me and my family.
  I have been struggeling with some rummors I have been hearing from the Groups that I have been on. But I know in the end I will see it straighten out and my well placed faith will prevail.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Update and some about my views

 Haven't been here in a while. There for a month it seemed like our life was turned upside down as we struggled to adjust to me being without a job. We are still struggling  but we have one the major battles as that we survived the month. now taxes start rolling in, unemployment will be starting and other great changes.
 We survived our experience with the TV people rather well.  It seems as if things are dragging this weekend and I pray for the Lord to grant me guidance to carry one and led my family safely.
 Many think That this kind of life is easy and just the on the rewards. Doing God's will mean being open to the spirit and what direction he wants to move me and my family. It's not always easy .
 There are those out there that seem to make a joke about this kind of life style and spreading false doctrine or twisting doctrine to meet there needs. I believe these people trying to force their wives into polygamy or stating that plural marriage is a God given right are out of line and casting  polygamy communities in a bad light.
 Nowhere is it written in the bible that God give man the right to polygamy. It's something that should be pro sued if the first wife gives her consent and for the right reasons. Just because desiring to have sex with another reason is not one of them. marriage is not supposed to be based on sex and so when a man takes another wife it shouldn't be based on sex either. That is asking for trouble.