Monday, April 30, 2012

Days and Days

 Well here I am  on unempoloyment again. Talgo's maintenance contract was canceled by the State of Wisconsin so that ment Layoffs. Whats been on the families mind is  that we may need to relocat to find work so the family can survive, We are  good for now, but time will tell.
 Brandy's pregancy is doing well. The  wives are starting to look at baby clouthes. For Julie and Brandy that is a big step for them. Ange is worried that her baby makeing days might be over and julie had a miscarriage last year. So Brandy being pregant does effect them  to a degree. So there is tension in the house over Brandy being pregant and Ange and Julie are working though it. I am proud of the fact that they are  working through it.
 overall  we as a family is excited about baby #6 due to arrive in September. we have some adusting to go through, Willow. Julie's duaghter,  says the baby is hers  Brandy is just carrying it. We think it's cute.
 We put Victoria back in public school last fall. I am very disapointed in her chioce of friends and her acting out at home. I think  next year we are going to  do home school with her again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Whats Happening now

 Ok  it's been a while since I have posted. sorry for the delay. Well Talgo didn't work out as far a jobs go as they stated cutting back because  Wisconsin is backing out of the train deal  for maintenance and there isn't anymore contracts to build trains. Which is a shame because I really liked the job I was doing there.

 The other thing in the news is that Brandy is pregnant. one thing about polygamy is that it all about making and raising a family. It's going to be a girl and her Name will be River Marie. this will my second child with Brandy.  Julie hasn't got pregnant yet. Still trying but also waiting on the lords timing. Ange is doing great but she is having some issues.....

 We got four sugar gliders for Ange. One died  due to sickness and problems with her joey.  Ange has got me working on building them a bigger cage.