Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Austin's in the Shadow of persecution

 Wow it has been a while since I last bloged. Time flies when you  busy I guess.  Or perhaps time just got away from me. It isn't  because all of a sudden we got boring. There is tons of stuff always going on  in our little part of the world and online in others.

 Lately what we have been dealing with is  an enemy whom we don't know whether someone that we have angered or  an Angry and nosy neighbor.
 This  person or persons sent  an anonymous letter to the police and social service about our family and it's composition.  This cause a Detective to  come to our house and also visits from social workers. 
 I think they were hoping that the kids would  be taken away from us and or arrested.  So far nothing has happened but interviews and the Detective.
 The Wives already had there's and today I had mine. It went OK. I think everything will be fine.  Under Wisconsin law we can not be prosecuted for  Bigamy  as there is not marriage licenses other then the one I have with the legal first wife. So the likely hood that this will go anywhere is almost Nil.
 The social workers  seems to be prepared to work with us and not remove the children, Which is good they are doing a detailed instigation to make sure the children are fine and that we are a functioning family.
 Si we are intending the Lord to  shield us and protect us through all of this.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Somthing new

 Well the new job is going great.  I work alot of hours. I enjoy the money but importantly I enjoy the work.
 Today we are adressing another important topic in our family. A bigger place. By Nature polygamy families are big. you out grow houseing real fast.
 I would like to get a farm but not sure if I can find one cheap enough but might have to settle living in town. Ihave a credit limit of what the VA will guantee me.
 We will See. Today Julie and I are going to look at a house in Kenosha. So praying for God's will in all this.

Monday, June 18, 2012

 It's been  like five weeks since I last post. So time for updates.

 Work is going great and we are  working at  getting bills caught up.  Family really misses me at work so much. Kids are getting antsy about being at home so much. Victoria is out of school or the summer.

 The reason that the kids are and wives are going stare crazy is that  we don't have our van. The white one is wrecked and not worth the $700 the mechanic wants to charge to fix the front end. Not to mention it needs a front alignment and tires. Our blue van is still in the shop. a year and a half since I paid $1500 in advance to get the engine replaced. It had to have body work so the Mechanic can hoist the body up so he can pull the engine. very frustrating in that he is dragging his feet. What I get for  feeling sorry for the man and paying him in advance will part in advance.

 The  long story short about this is that he was a member of the Church of latter day saints Kettle Moraine ward. I felt sorry for him cause  several low income families in the church were  stiffing him  out of labor cost to keep their cars running. I did the guy a favor and now I get crap cause we have Zoo passes and museum passes  for us and the kids and we can't go. I thought I could expect better behavior out of an LDS member but I was wrong.

 Not saying that I took it laying down, I made him rid up with me to fix the White Ford Van when it threw a pulley and the family was a couple of cities away. I also had him tow the White van when it was wrecked. When he offered to fix it for $700 I told him I wanted the blue van back. That was like 5 weeks ago.

 I have decided that in  four weeks I will have the money to pay another Mechanic. to fix it. Then I will give him an ultimatum. Finish it or I pull it out of his shop and take him to court.

 On the good side I am really happy about work. I work hard as anyone knows it takes money to run a plural family.  running a house hold with  three wives and 5 children is pretty rough at times. none of us were born into this and we learn as we go.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Day of Mixed Blessings

 At  6:40 am this morning, driving  west bound on I94 and preparing to  turn on the exit to  highway 45 north the car came toa  halt and not realizing that the car in front of me actually cam to a stop and not slowed down, I rearended him  at low speeds. I was driving the families 1997white Ford Areostar. well to put a long story short it was a three care accident and I don't know if he hit the car in front of him before I hit him. The Guy didn't have insurance and the police officer had his car towed. the impact  damaged my radiator and the grill was  knock in. Radiator fluid  spilled out. Well that ended the trip to work with the  Areostare I called my wife Angela to take me  in to work and  had my mechanic  deal with  getting the van to his shop. Not sure what the blue book is on the van but if it cost more then $300 to fix then it isn't worth it.
 So that is how my day started. I was  30 mins late to  work when I am usally 15 mins early. Now I was sore and working and  down one vehicle in a family of nine soon to be ten. because  I was the one that rear ended the car I  got the  ticket. that's another $200.
 Well  Now that the bad stuff got out of the way, I suppose we can get to  the good stuff.
 For the last two weeks I have been courting a maintenance position at a  food plant in  southern Wisconsin.  Yesterday Afternoon I went down to their plant for an interview and the HR called at 1:05 pm offering me a position on their maintenance team. hat is a $3 more an hour where I  am currently working at Briggs and Stratton. Well of course I accepted and since Briggs was only through a temp service I told them I would be able to start Monday.
  With the new wage and lots of overtime the Austin family will be able to  move forward  and bring our planes to fruitation.
 I give the glory to  our father in Heaven for allowing me to have this and many  other wonderful opportunities.......

Monday, April 30, 2012

Days and Days

 Well here I am  on unempoloyment again. Talgo's maintenance contract was canceled by the State of Wisconsin so that ment Layoffs. Whats been on the families mind is  that we may need to relocat to find work so the family can survive, We are  good for now, but time will tell.
 Brandy's pregancy is doing well. The  wives are starting to look at baby clouthes. For Julie and Brandy that is a big step for them. Ange is worried that her baby makeing days might be over and julie had a miscarriage last year. So Brandy being pregant does effect them  to a degree. So there is tension in the house over Brandy being pregant and Ange and Julie are working though it. I am proud of the fact that they are  working through it.
 overall  we as a family is excited about baby #6 due to arrive in September. we have some adusting to go through, Willow. Julie's duaghter,  says the baby is hers  Brandy is just carrying it. We think it's cute.
 We put Victoria back in public school last fall. I am very disapointed in her chioce of friends and her acting out at home. I think  next year we are going to  do home school with her again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Whats Happening now

 Ok  it's been a while since I have posted. sorry for the delay. Well Talgo didn't work out as far a jobs go as they stated cutting back because  Wisconsin is backing out of the train deal  for maintenance and there isn't anymore contracts to build trains. Which is a shame because I really liked the job I was doing there.

 The other thing in the news is that Brandy is pregnant. one thing about polygamy is that it all about making and raising a family. It's going to be a girl and her Name will be River Marie. this will my second child with Brandy.  Julie hasn't got pregnant yet. Still trying but also waiting on the lords timing. Ange is doing great but she is having some issues.....

 We got four sugar gliders for Ange. One died  due to sickness and problems with her joey.  Ange has got me working on building them a bigger cage.